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2024年03月01日 09:56  点击:[]










1. 应激诱导“Pnmt细胞分化的心肌细胞分泌肾上腺素对小鼠心肌细胞兴奋-收缩偶联钙转运的调控作用,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2018.1-2020.12No.81700308

2. Pnmt+心肌细胞串扰局部肾上腺能信号参与应激性心肌病的机制,四川省科技厅,2021.4.1-2023.3.30, No.21YYJC1944

3. Pnmt+心肌细胞与心脏交感神经的相互关系, 代谢及心血管分子医学北京市重点实验室开放课题, 2018.1.1-2018.12.30

4. Pnmt+心肌细胞对心脏交感神经细胞的反馈调控及机理研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2019.1-2022.12No.31871181


1. Tianyi Sun#, Alexander Grassam-Rowe#, Zhaoli Pu#, Huiying Ren , Yanru An, Xinyu Guo , Wei Hu, Ying Liu, Yangpeng Li, Zhu Liu, Kun Kou, Xianhong Ou , Tangting Chen, Xuehui Fan, Yangyang Liu , Tu Shu , Yu He , Yue Ren , Ao Chen , Zhouchun Shang Zhidao Xia, Lucile Miquerol, Nicola Smart, Henggui Zhang, Xiaoqiu Tan*, Weinian Shou*, Ming Lei*. Integrated transcriptome and lineage analyses reveal Dbh+ catecholaminergic cardiomyocytes contributing to the cardiac conduction system in murine heart. Nature Communication. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-42658-9

2. Huiying Ren,  Xiaolin Zhou, Jun Yang, Kun Kou, Tangting Chen, Zhaoli Pu, Kejun Ye, Xuehui Fan, Dan Zhang, Xinjiang Kang, Zhongcai Fan,  Ming Lei, Tianyi Sun, Xiaoqiu TanXianhong Ou. Single-cell RNA sequencing of murine hearts for studying the development of the cardiac conduction system, Sci Data. 2023 Sep 4;10(1):577

3. Yang J#, Ye K#, Zhang R, Fan X, Xiong R, Zhang S, Liu Q, Lin M, Wang B, Tan X*, Wen Q*, Ou X*. The characteristics and molecular targets of antiarrhythmic natural products. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023,168:115762.

4. Yangpeng Li1*, Jun Yang1*, Rui Zhang1, Tangting Chen1, Shiyu Zhang1, Yuqing Zheng1,Qiang Wen2, Tao Li1, Xiaoqiu Tan1†, Ming Lei1,3†, Xianhong Ou1†. Dual-dye optical mapping of mouse hearts with genetic catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. JOVE, Dec 22, 2023 doi: 10.3791/65082.

5. Jun S, Ou X, Shi L, Yu H, Deng T, Chen J, Nie X, Hao Y, Shi Y, Liu W, Tian Y, Wang S, Yuan F. Circuit-Specific Control of Blood Pressure by PNMT-Expressing Nucleus Tractus Solitarii Neurons. NEUROSCIENCE BULLETIN. 2023;39(8):1193-1209.

6. He S†, Kou K†, O’Shea C†, Chen T, Mu-u-min R, Dong R,Ren H. Zhou X, Fan Z, Tan X, Pavlovic D, Ou X, Lei M*. A dataset of dual calcium and voltage optical mapping in healthy and hypertrophied murine hearts. Sci Data. 2021: 314

7. 叶珂君,羊军,刘竹,陈唐葶,周小琳,张瑞,谭晓秋,雷鸣,欧贤红*.光学标测技术评价异丙肾上腺素诱导的应激性心肌病小鼠心脏电活动. 中华老年心脑血管病杂志,2022,24(4): 412-417

8. Binbin Yang#, Qin Jiang#, Shicheng He, Tao Li, Xianhong Ou, Tangting Chen, Xuehui Fan, Feng Jiang, Xiaorong Zeng, Christopher L-H Huang, Ming Lei*, Xiaoqiu Tan*. Ventricular SK2 upregulation following angiotensin II challenge: modulation by p21-activated kinase-1. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology,2021, 10:S0022-2828(21)00210-8.

9. Yu W, Ou X, Liu X, Zhang S, Gao X, Cheng H, Zhu B, Yan J. ACE2 contributes to the maintenance of mouse epithelial barrier function, 2020 Oct 21. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020;doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.10.002

10. Grassam-Rowe A, Ou X, Lei M. Novel cardiac cell subpopulations: Pnmt-derived cardiomyocytes. Open Biol. 2020 Aug;10(8):200095.

11. O'Shea C, Holmes AP, Winter J, Correia J, Ou X, Dong R, He S, Kirchhof P, Fabritz L, Rajpoot K, Pavlovic D. Cardiac optogenetics and optical mapping - overcoming spectral congestion in all-optical cardiac electrophysiology. Frontiers in physiology. 2019;10:182

12. He S#, Wen Q#, O'Shea C#, Mu UMR#, Kou K, Grassam-Rowe A, Liu Y, Fan Z, Tan X, Ou X*, Camelliti P*, Pavlovic D*, Lei M*. A protocol for transverse cardiac slicing and optical mapping in murine heart. Frontiers in physiology. 2019;10:755

13. Fan X, Sun T, Crawford W, Tan X, Ou X, Terrar DA, Ebert SN*, Lei M*. Pnmt-derived cardiomyocytes: Anatomical localization, function and future perspectives. Frontiers in physiology. 2019;10:713

14. Dong R#, Mu-u-min R#, Reith AJM#, O’Shea C#, He S, Duan K, Kou K, Grassam-Rowe A, Tan X, Pavlovic D, Ou X*, Lei M*. A protocol for dual calcium-voltage optical mapping in murine sinoatrial preparation with optogenetic pacing. Frontiers in physiology. 2019;10


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